

“Your one and only stop for professional and certified Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning, Maintenance, and Tech Service”

 Serving Texas, New Mexico,  Arizona, Oklahoma, and Louisiana

IKECA Certified Company

IKECA (International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association) members are committed to providing a complete cleaning of the entire system– from the hood in the kitchen to the fan on the roof. They follow the most complete cleaning and inspection standards in the industry found in NFPA-96, the International Mechanical Code and International Fire Code.” – The CECS certification is an IKECA certification that provides objective and measurable ways to determine general competency in the standardized practices and standards within the kitchen exhaust cleaning industry. IKECA certifications advance the industry and professionalism of kitchen exhaust cleaners, both at the technician and company level.

NFPA 96 Compliant

Being NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 96 compliant, means we adhere to the requirements and preventative measures of the NFPA 96 that are intended to reduce the potential fire hazard of both public and private commercial cooking operations.